June 29, 2014 Trout Farm Inn, Felton, California
Moonalice poster by Lauren Yurkovich
According to Moonalice legend, today’s poster by Lauren Yurkovich depicts Koi Moonalice, the tribe’s patron saint of hot tubs, pool parties and fishing. Combining the best of human beauty and seafood, Koi serves lifelong memories every day to anyone sober enough to remember them. For those who need to forget, Koi has some fine young cannabis.
Poster Details
Artist: | Lauren Yurkovich |
Performers: | Moonalice |
Venue: | Trout Farm Inn |
City, State: | Felton, California |
Date: | June 29, 2014 |
Printer: | PsPrint |
Dimensions: | 12.75 in. x 17.25 in. |
Medium: | Offset Lithograph |
Paper: | 14 pt |
Series: | Moonalice M719 |
- Happy Birthday Cherie A. Moore!
- Listed in the art database at ExpressoBeans.com.
- Watch this show in HD at Moonalice.com.
listed on ExpressoBeans.com
cernakdesign says
RT @MoonalicePoster: Upcoming 6/29/14 Trout Farm Inn Felton @Moonalice poster (M719) by @LaurenYurkovich http://t.co/aaeomIAdzd #rockart ht…
MoonalicePoster says
Upcoming 6/29/14 Trout Farm Inn Felton @Moonalice poster (M719) by @LaurenYurkovich http://t.co/aaeomIAdzd #rockart http://t.co/2eIl3I3lw5
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Moonalice says
RT @MoonalicePoster: Upcoming 6/29/14 Trout Farm Inn Felton @Moonalice poster (M719) by @LaurenYurkovich http://t.co/aaeomIAdzd #rockart ht…
slvnews says
RT @MoonalicePoster: Upcoming 6/29/14 Trout Farm Inn Felton @Moonalice poster (M719) by @LaurenYurkovich http://t.co/aaeomIAdzd #rockart ht…
Benjamin Komins says
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Lauren Yurkovich says
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MoonalicePoster says
Catch 6/29/14 @Moonalice poster M719 by @LaurenYurkovich now, part of the #GrandSlam release http://t.co/WH5r36cPQW http://t.co/gAScJ1NlXB
cernakdesign says
RT @MoonalicePoster: Catch 6/29/14 @Moonalice poster M719 by @LaurenYurkovich now, part of the #GrandSlam release http://t.co/WH5r36cPQW ht…
Moonalice says
RT @MoonalicePoster: Catch 6/29/14 @Moonalice poster M719 by @LaurenYurkovich now, part of the #GrandSlam release http://t.co/WH5r36cPQW ht…
Tree26 says
RT @MoonalicePoster: Catch 6/29/14 @Moonalice poster M719 by @LaurenYurkovich now, part of the #GrandSlam release http://t.co/WH5r36cPQW ht…
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Chris Shaw Poster Release | Moonalice Posters says
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