April 20, 2014 Slim’s, San Francisco, California
Moonalice poster by Chris Shaw
According to Moonalice legend, today is 4/20 … the highest of high holy days in the Moonalice tribe. It is a day for celebration with friends, music, poster art and, of course, fine cannabis. Our poster artists have outdone themselves with 21 posters – three incredible screen prints that are available for purchase and 18 offset posters that will be given to each of you as a set.
Each poster reveals an important aspect of the legend, but time permits me to share only one story. According to Moonalice legend, this poster by our art director Chris Shaw depicts our Lady of Holy Bong Water, Mary Juana. Mary was a fallen woman of the best kind … she made sure than no one in the tribe ever suffered from lack of good weed. As you might have guessed, Big Steve is now a High Priest in the Holy Bong Water Auxiliary, so if the spirit moves you, Big Steve is your man.
Poster Details
Artist: | Chris Shaw |
Performers: | Moonalice, David Nelson |
Venue: | Slim’s |
City, State: | San Francisco, California |
Date: | April 20, 2014 |
Printer: | PsPrint |
Dimensions: | 12.75 in. x 17.25 in. |
Medium: | Offset Lithograph |
Paper: | 14 pt |
Series: | Moonalice M695 |
- 420 Gathering of the Tribe.
- With Wavy Gravy, Jason Crosby & Friends.
- One of 18 in the 420 Gathering of the Tribe 2014 poster set.
- Listed in the art database at ExpressoBeans.com.
- Watch this show in HD at Moonalice.com.
Special Guests:
1st Set: David Nelson from Rocky Road Blues through Rainy Day Women
2nd Set: Jason Crosby from Tell Me It’s Okay through Not Fade Away
David Nelson from C’est La View through Not Fade Away
Encore: David Nelson and Jason Crosby on Ripple
Special Thanks to the Moonalice Crew … and the team that put on this amazing show:
Dan English: production manager
Tori Hill: production
Tim Stiegler: Sound
Derek Walls: Stage
Jenna Lebowitz: Travel Manager and Strategist
Chris Shaw: Art Director
Karin Conn: Publicity
Arthur Rosato: Video
Patrick Spohrer: Satellite
Glenn Evans: Video
Joe Tang: Truck
John Rogan: Bus
Robin Gascon: Wombat Keeper
Earl Stokes: Transportation
Rory Lenny: Transportation
Diarmuid Harrington: Transportation
Gail Barnes: Facebook and Twitter
Jay Blakesburg: Photos
Bob Minkin: Photos
Sue Weiand: Photos
Ebb Eskew: Photos
Rupert Coles: Photos
Dave Nelson: Guest
Wavy Gravy: Clown
Jason Crosby: Guest
Dan Lebowitz: Jason’s Friend
Jay Lane: Jason’s Friend
Chris Crosby: Jason’s Friend
Tim McQuaid: Merch
Tham Sodsaengsuk: Merch
Cyndy Poon: Merch
Mikal Malkovich: Merch
Todd Shipley: Poster show
Sixto Mendez: Poster show
Marcelino Estrada: Poster show
Mario Mendez: Poster show
Dennis Wong: Poster show
Andrew Hart: Poster show
Jonny Hammond: Poster show
Emma Roper: Poster archivist
Mike Francis: Poster show
Kevin Philips: Poster show
Chuck Sperry: Poster artist
Darrin Brenner: Poster artist
Ron Donovan: Poster artist
Winston Smith: Poster artist
Wes Wilson: Poster artist
Gary Houston: Poster artist
John Mavroudis: Poster artist
Wendy Wright: Poster artist
George Sargent: Poster artist
Stanley Mouse: Poster artist
Carolyn Ferris: Poster artist
Dave Hunter: Poster artist
Lauren Yurkovich: Poster artist
Prairie Prince: Poster artist
Dennis Loren: Poster artist
Alexandra Fischer: Poster artist and deputy art director
David Singer: Poster artist
Dennis Larkins: Poster artist
Nick Cernak: Poster team
Stanford Hughes: Architect
listed on ExpressoBeans.com
Moonalice says
RT @MoonalicePoster: Upcoming 420 Gathering of the Tribe @Moonalice poster (M695) by Chris Shaw @SHAWposter: http://t.co/qLSn7CWzRS
Cernak Design says
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Chris Shaw Studio says
Chris Shaw Studio liked this on Facebook.
The Rock Poster Society (TRPS) says
The Rock Poster Society (TRPS) liked this on Facebook.
Wendy Wright says
Awesome poster Chris!
Moonalice Posters says
🙂 …had to do it!
Chris Shaw says
That is… I had to do it!
Mike AndSunee Seltzer says
Mike AndSunee Seltzer liked this on Facebook.
Wendy Wright says
Wendy Wright liked this on Facebook.
Dennis Larkins says
Dennis Larkins liked this on Facebook.
Mike AndSunee Seltzer says
Mike AndSunee Seltzer liked this on Facebook.
Wendy Wright says
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Dennis Larkins says
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